
  • SSF HC build.

    Hi! I played POE a long time ago. From time to time I was able to play 2 or 3 days every now and then. So I decided to play HC SSF as it was useless to think on long time game play and was dieing more or less at the time I had to stop. But, for t... Read more

  • Trying to make build would like help

    I’m trying to make an Arc build and I would like other players that know what they are doing when it comes to build making to go over mine and let me know if I’ve made a complete A*** of my self. And if it’s possible can you let me... Read more

  • Issue with Spellslinger Elementalist 3.13

    Hi everyone, it’s my first time playing PoE and I’m loving each and every part of it. I opted to play as Spellslinger Elementalist following this guide: Spellslinger Elementalist Guide but I’m having some trouble in regards the co... Read more

  • Request for 'light' mode/style

    I like this website. Unfortunately, the over-riding amount of black gives me a headache. I know it doesn’t match the aesthetic of PoE, but is there any possibility of a ‘light’ mode to invert the colors in the inner area, so it... Read more

  • Sirus and Maven not killable

    Hi, the Sirus and Maven are not killable with even a 99 lvl character. In the meantime I take it just as fun to go into this fight and let me kill. If bosses are too difficult the game is not fun at all anymore. Maybe I quit PoE. Just to share mit... Read more

  • Leveling build vs Endgame build

    Hi guys. Although I am not new to POE, I have skipped most of the latest leagues. Anyway, POE just sucked me in again and I am trying this Cyclone Slayer build but the guide says to only use Cyclone closer to the end game because it is not strong eno... Read more

  • Head Scratcher


    by deu58

    I decided to try a league and get into trading. all new to me. There is a guy buying up all the heist markers and divine orbs he can find, he just paid me 2 c for 1000 markers and 10 c for 1 divine orb, Why would somebody pay 2 c for something so eas... Read more

  • General forum and posting rules

    These rules apply to all the PoE Vault forum sections and sub-sections. We are trying to be kind by keeping them brief, so please be kind in return by doing your best to respect them. The purpose of these forums is to offer a place to discuss any of... Read more