Path of Exile Settlers of Kalguur League Recommended League Starters


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Hey Exiles,

Not long to go now for the new Path of Exile league.

As always, we have compiled our best league starters with our writers.

Our recommended league starters for Path of Exile Settlers of Kalguur 3.35.

CasualDan – Minion Army Necromancer

BalorMage – Poison Summon Raging Spirits Necromancer

Velyna – Tornado Inquisitor
Velyna – Ground Slam Slayer
Velyna – Explosive Concoction Ascendant

TbXie – Lightning Strike Warden
TbXie – Cyclone Slayer
TbXie – Hexblast Miner Saboteur

Pohx – Righteous Fire Chieftain
Pohx – Righteous Fire Inquisitor
Pohx – Righteous Fire Juggernaut

GhazzyTV – Zoomancer Necromancer
GhazzyTV – Dominating Blow Necromancer
GhazzyTV – Holy Relic Guardian

PoEVault – Ice Shot Deadeye
PoEVault – Boneshatter Juggernaut
PoEVault – Lacerate Gladiator

Manni – Lightning Arrow Deadeye

You have any questions please do not hesitate to join our discord, we have a team of moderators to answer all your questions!

Stay sane Exiles.