Settlers of Kalguur League Mechanic Guide Shipping




Shipping UI

Shipping allows you to exchange the Resources you’ve collected for currency and items! Simply load up a boat with Resources and a crew, then wait an amount of real time for the boat to return, laden with rewards.

Shipping has its risks, however, which will need to be managed if you don’t want to lose both your crew and your payout!

The Settlers of Kalguur Challenge League has recently launched. Information in this guide is actively being updated, but may not yet be fully complete, or slightly inaccurate as we continue to learn about the league!


Prepare Shipment UI

Each boat you send out is loaded up with a shipment – a pile of Resources you want to trade away. Upon the boat’s successful return, each of those Resources is exchanged for regular PoE rewards – like currency, uniques, scarabs, etc.

As you upgrade the Harbour, you gain access to up to three boats, which can be sent on Shipments simultaneously.

Shipment Value

The quantity and quality of rewards you receive from a Shipment is based on the total “Shipment Value” of that shipment. Each Resource is worth a specific amount of Shipment Value, with rarer and more-refined Resources being worth more.

Dust Multipliers

Thaumaturgic Dust acts as a “multiplier” for your Shipment Value. Be sure to include some in every shipment to hit much higher Shipment Values with less overall Resources!

Dust Amount Multiplier
10 x 1.5
55 x 2
520 x 2.5
8150 x 3

Ports & Rewards

Ports UI

Each shipment is sent to trade with a specific port. Each port has different types of rewards that they will send back with each shipment, based on the types of Resource they were shipped.

You unlock more options for ports to ship to as you level up the Harbour.


The types of Rewards you receieve are based upon what Resource you ship to which port, according to the following chart:

Resource Ngakanu Riben Fell Pondium Te Ondui Kalguur
Crimson Iron STR Armor Armor Int Armor DEX Armor Armor
Orichalcum STR Weapons Weapons INT Weapons DEX Weapons Weapons
Petrified Amber Belts Rings Amulets Jewellery w/ Quality Rings, Belts
Bismuth Support Gems w/ Quality Skill Gems w/ Quality Flasks & Tinctures Jewels Ward Armor
Verisium Stacked Decks Scarabs Catalysts, Fossils, Contracts, Oil Uniques Splinters

All Crops rewards Currency, in amounts and qualities based on shipment value.

You can also get Runes as additional rewards when shipping to Kalguuran Ports (Riben Fell, Pondium, Kalguur), and Tattoos when shipping to Karui Ports (Ngakanu, Te Onui)


Each Port is some distance away from Kingsmarch – this determines how long it takes to ship to that port.

It currently appears as though longer-distance ports give better quality rewards – however community testing is still ongoing.

Port Quotas

Each Port will have a list of in-demand Resources. When you fill their quota of Resources with a Shipment, those resources will have a shipment value bonus applied to them (up to the total quota amount), resulting in even more rewards. The bonus to shipment value is listed next to each quota.

Bars count for 5 times Ore for the purposes of meeting quotas – don’t over-ship your smelted ingots!!

You can fulfill quotas over multiple shipments, but only the shipment that finished the quota will have the quota bonus applied to it.

Fulfilling quotas with each shipment is key to maximizing your returns from Shipping!


Assign Crew UI

In addition to Resources, you can also load your boat up with Workers – forming the boat’s crew.

Crew members reduce the Risk meter by an amount relative to their trait tier. Higher tier Workers will allow you to ship higher Shipment Values at a time – with little to no Risk.

Crew members that are lost to Risks can be permanently killed – so be careful about who you send with each shipment!

Risks & Random Events

Shipment Risks UI

Bad things can happen to your shipments in transit – raids by pirates, bad weather…

As your Shipment Value increases, a “Risk” meter will fill up. This meter denotes a percentage chance of something going happening to your shipment, with higher percentages also causing more severe outcomes to be more likely if something does go wrong. These Risks always result in you losing a percentage of your shipment.

The possible Risk outcomes are:

Message Outcome
The King decided to institute a one-time tax of three-quarters of our entire outgoing shipment! Lose 75% of rewards
Corrupt customs officials demanded half of our entire shipment! Lose 50% of rewards
A Karui raiding party waiting outside Kingsmarch demand half of our entire shipment! Lose 50% of rewards
A quarter of our entire shipment was somehow misplaced at port! Lose 25% of rewards

In addition, regardless of Risk level, you can have a Random Event that causes you to lose a Worker or have your ship commandeered by pirates. These Random Events are:

Message Outcome
Unfortunately, a crew member was killed in a tavern brawl. Lose a random worker
One of our crew decided to stay at port and start a new life. Lose a random worker
Pirates have commandeered the Ship! They will execute the Crew and steal the Shipment unless you Intervene. Pirate Commandeer Boss

Pirate Commandeering

Pirate Commandeering UI

When a Pirate boards your ship, they will take your entire crew – and your shipment – hostage. You have three options for what to do in this situation.

First, you can fight the Bandit, as a boss. If you win, in addition to valuable boss loot, your crew and shipment will be freed. You only get one portal, however, and if you lose, everything is lost.

Second, you can pay the Bandit a ransom – which will be an amount of Gold. If you pay the random you get your shipment and Crew back – but don’t get any of the loot from the boss fight.

Third, you can simply abandon them all. This is the same as failing the boss fight – you lose both your crew and your shipment.


Be sure to check out the other pages of this guide, covering even more topics related to Settlers of Kalguur! This guide will continue to be updated in the future – if you have any feedback, or find something cool you want to share, head on over to the PoE Vault Discord, and let me know!

Good luck, and have fun farming Settlers of Kalguur!

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