Settlers of Kalguur League Mechanic Guide Resources




Resources List UI

The settlement of Kingsmarch has a number of Resources to collect and spend. Every mechanic either generates or costs Resources – and they’re ultimately what you’ll be spending to get currency, items, and crafting power out of the league mechanic.

Resources are collected in a variety of ways – almost all of them time-gated in some way behind Workers collecting, processing, or generating them. Resources cannot be traded with other players.

While some Resources have specific uses, all Resources can also be traded via Shipping – allowing you to cash them out if you have no further use for them. Each Resource type shipped returns a different type of reward.

Dust is special, in that it acts as a multiplier when shipped. For more information on Shipping, check out the “Shipping” section of this guide.


Unprocessed Ore

Verisium Outcrop Encounter

Uses: Mining

Unprocessed Ore is the first step towards acquiring valuable metals for Shipping. Unrefined Ore is “tagged” in zones and maps – with at least one encounter in every zone.

Each Unprocessed Ore has its own associated encounter they trigger in zones. Upon successful completion, the Unprocessed Ore will be automatcally “tagged”, and added to your Resource pool.

The amount of Unprocessed Ore collected partially scales with area Item Quantity.

Once you have reached Rank 11 in Mining, collecting Unprocessed Ore will also reward an equal amount of Gold.

Crimson Iron Encounter

Crimson Iron Screenshot

Crimson Iron is surrounded by 2-5 spawners, which start spawning Demons when the encounter begins. When you kill a spawner, the remaining spawners heal to full, get stronger, and spawn enemies faster.

The encounter is successful once you have defeated all of the spawners.

Orichalcum Encounter

Orichalcum Screenshot

When you start an Orichalcum encounter, demons will begin continuously spawning. The encounter is successful once you have killed all the demons – at which point you also get a special elemental shrine buff for a brief period of time.

Petrified Amber Encounter

Petrified Amber Screenshot

Upon starting the encounter, Petrified Amber will begin spawning enemies a short distance away. Your goal is to defend the Amber from these hordes of attacking enemies. Every time a monster hits the Amber, your rewards from the encounter decrease. Once you’ve killed all the attacking monsters, the encounter ends.

Bismuth Encounter

Bismuth Screenshot

Bismuth is guarded by packs of magic and rare monsters. These monsters have an extra elemental-aligned modifer on each of them.

Unlike the other Ores, clicking Bismuth does not start an encounter. Rather, it immediately grants you the full value of Bismuth ore, and causes elemental modifiers to be applied to remaining magic and rare monsters in the zone – giving them increased difficulty and rewards.

Similarly to Wisps from Affliction, each magic and rare monster has a percentage chance of gaining these elemental modifiers, with league monsters having a lower chance of gaining them.

In addition, clicking Bismuth will cause tornadoes to spawn and chase you for the remainder of the zone, as well as causing the zone to grow visually darker.

Verisium Encounter

Verisium Screenshot

Verisium is the rarest of the Ores. In order to start the encounter, you click and hold on the Verisium, spawning in monsters you’ll have to kill.

This encounter works similarly to Crucible – the longer you hold down and channel the Verisium, the more monsters that will spawn, the stronger those monsters will be, and the greater your rewards will be.

If you channel the Virisium to very high levels, you can also cause powerful unique monsters to spawn – be careful to keep it at a level you can complete!

The Black Knight Boss

Verisium Boss Encounter

Very rarely at endgame, you can encounter an entrance to a boss arena – labelled “Starfall Crater”. This area features a boss – The Black Knight.

This boss features an intermission phase where you have to dodge a series of rapid attacks – with each intermission phase making the boss arena smaller, giving you less space to dodge their attacks.

The boss drops Runes upon being killed – as well as letting you tag multiple deposits of Verisium.

Processed Ore & Smelted Ingots

Ore Processing UI

Uses: Smelting, Shipping

After tagging Unprocessed Ore in maps, you need to get your Workers to “mine” it, to turn it into Ore that can be smelted or shipped. Mining and smelting Ore takes Workers some amount of real time – with higher tier Miners processing the Ore faster.

After Ore has been mined and processed, it can be smelted. The process for Smelting ore is identical to Mining. Smelted Ingots are worth 4x the Shipment Value as Processed Ore, and are worth 5x the value of Ore towards fulfilling Quotas.

Crimson Iron

Trades for: Armor


Trades for: Weapons

Petrified Amber

Trades for: Jewellery


Trades for: Quality Gems, Flasks, Tincturs, Jewels, Ward Armor


Trades for: Stacked Decks, Scarabs, Catalysts, Fossils, Contracts, Oil, Uniques, Splilnters

Thaumaturgic Dust

Uses: Recombination, Shipping

Thaumaturgic Dust is acquired by disenchanting equipment. Disenchanting takes real time to complete, scaled by Worker tier.

Items with higher ilvls, Rare items with higher tiers of modifiers, and Unique items of higher tiers (ie, lower overall drop rates) disenchant into more dust. Unique items generally disenchant into far more dust than even well-rolled Rares.

When shipped, Dust acts as a multiplier to your shipment value – making it extremely important for shipping!


Farm Plot UI

Uses: Shipping
Trades for: Currency

Crops are grown by Workers on farms. You simply select what crop you’d like each farm to grow, and you will automatically gain crop resources over time.

In this way, Crops are the easiest resource to acquire – you simply spend Gold on workers, and wait some amount of real time.


Be sure to check out the other pages of this guide, covering even more topics related to Settlers of Kalguur! This guide will continue to be updated in the future – if you have any feedback, or find something cool you want to share, head on over to the PoE Vault Discord, and let me know!

Good luck, and have fun farming Settlers of Kalguur!

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