Legacy of Phrecia Event Endgame System



Endgame Specialisation System

The Legacy of Phrecia event introduces a new system for specializing in endgame content, replacing the current Atlas Passive Skill Tree. As you progress through the endgame, you’ll discover Idols that can be placed in a dedicated tab on the Map Receptacle UI, allowing you to modify your maps.

Idol UI

Magic Idols can have up to two modifiers, Rare Idols can have up to four modifiers, and there are Unique Idols for Keystones from the Atlas Passive Skill Tree. Idols are tradeable but they are not modifiable.

Rare idol

Unique Idol

This is a significant shift in how the Endgame will play, as the Atlas Tree has been a core part of the experience in many forms and versions for quite some time.

One of the key changes is that specializing in different leagues becomes less deterministic, as it now relies on finding specific items. However, this adds an exciting new element to item drops in the Endgame that wasn’t there before.

Now, instead of constantly respeccing your Tree, you can mix and match Idols to create an endless variety of Endgame loadouts. Simply remove the Idols you don’t want and add the ones you do. You’ll likely end up with a unique set of Idols for each league.

With the Atlas Tree, you’re limited by the stats we’ve placed on it, but this new system allows you to push those boundaries further, giving you the chance to enhance specific aspects of your build. For example, you could focus on ensuring all Essences on monsters are at their highest tier, or increase the number of Blueprints you find with full reveals.


Idol 3

Since this event gives them the chance to experiment with new concepts, you can expect to see some truly wild and broken outcomes, in true Path of Exile fashion.

Full disclosure: because these features are experimental for this event, they haven’t implemented the usual quality-of-life improvements they would normally include. For example, you may want separate inventories for different league sets or loadouts, but during this event, you’ll need to handle the inventory management yourself. If this system proves popular, we’ll consider adding more features in the future to streamline things and reduce item micromanagement.

After the event, they know players will likely want to experiment with the new Ascendancy Classes or the alternate Endgame mechanics separately, so they will be adding both of these as Private League options after the event concludes.

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