GhazzyTV's Animate Weapon Chieftain Build Guide (PoE Settlers of Kalguur 3.25)




Once again, this is a cooperation build with Lollash. He has the crazy ideas, I know minions and occasionally we end up with a good end product. This is one of those times.
If you want to play minions, and you’re tired of Necromancer and want to press more buttons – This might be the build for you.

Build Overview

In this section I will outline the pros, cons, & the general play-style. This will allow you to determine if the build is for you or not!


+ Different Warcries is not something most minion players have ever dabbled in.

+ Active playstyle For a minion build, this has a very active playstyle. There are a lot of buttons to press here.

+ Comfy While it has some buttons, it has a pretty comfy playstyle


Button intensive – We’re pressing bladefall for blades, summoning AW’s, pressing our warcries manually and… yeah. It’s a lot of buttons.

Active playstyle For a minion build, this has a very active playstyle. There are a lot of buttons to press here.

AW Due to how Animate Weapon works, and the need to Bladefall to be able to summon them at all it is not everyone’s cup of tea.


The build makes use of Animate Weapons for it’s bread and butter damage. It also utilises Spectres, a Golem and Animate Guardian to round out its offensive and defensive package. We then throw warcries into the mix to massively boost our armies damage output, and life regen (we also get to benefit from this life regen!).
It’s playstyle is pretty typical for a AW build. We bladefall 2-3 times at the start of the map, summon the AW’s and go. As you play through maps, you wave in a bladefall here and there and summon new AW’s. Try to make sure you summon at most half at a time, to ensure you don’t ever have them all time out at the same time. You then warcry as you go to keep them buffed, and that’s pretty much all there is to it.

Damage Scaling And Defensive Layers

Damage scaling is as previously mentioned hardcarried by warcries, specifically Rallying Cry Rallying Cry. Due to how that works, the numerical values of our mainhand weapon also scales the damage our boys are doing. Level modifiers to minions are huge for AW,
Defensively we scale some amount of maximum resistances, some armour and endurance charges along with the minions taunting. We also have a pretty juicy regen courtesy of Enduring Cry Enduring Cry.

End Game PoB & Passive Skill Tree

AW Chief Low Budget PoB
This is the League Starter version of AW Chief that you use for the campaign and early mapping. You can find the PoB here:

AW Chief Medium/High/Mirror Budget PoB
There’s loadouts for the various progression steps throughout this poB. You can find the PoB here:


Item Slot Item Name Rarity
Head Life then Res/Attributes as needed, also include +1-2 lvl of all minion skills +extra Skeleton/Zombie Rare
Amulet The Jinxed Juju The Jinxed Juju Unique
Chest Glorious Plate Glorious Plate with Life and resists Rare
Gloves Triad Grip Triad Grip Unique
Boots Titan Greaves Titan Greaves with Movement speed, life, res Rare
Belt Darkness Enthroned Darkness Enthroned Unique
Ring 1X Unset Ring Unset Ring Rare
Ring 2X Bone Ring Bone Ring This has to carry elemental resistances for the minions Rare
Weapon Rebuke of the Vaal Unique
Shield Rise of the Phoenix Rise of the Phoenix Unique

Ascendancy, Bandits & Pantheon Recommendations

You can read about the recommended Ascendancy, Bandit choice, and Pantheon Power recommendations for this build on our dedicated page.


As we’re a Chieftain dabbling in minions, it won’t be super comfortable to play minions from a super early point. As such, I suggest you level with Sunder Sunder.
See the low budget Pob for trees and details.


To guarantee that my guides are tools you can utilize to enhance your experience in Path of Exile, you may have questions. Please join the PoE Vault discord and they will attend to them as soon as possible.

Final Notes

As much as I love making build guides, it is very crucial in a game like Path of Exile that you play the game the way you enjoy playing it. With that said, if you’ve made any tweaks to the build compared to what I’m showing in this guide I would love if you’d posted it in my discord! It’s an effective way to show other approaches and it helps me grow as a build guide creator!

I hope you found the build guide useful and I wish you all many Divine Orb Divine Orb drops!

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